Dear Thomas,
We have been busy this month! It has been a beautiful month and we tried to get out as much as we could. We went to Pumpkin Land, where you enjoyed a carriage ride, pet animals, and picked a pumpkin. We went apple picking with Sienna and Cody- you loved the tractor ride, and played in the sandbox there at the orchard. We have been to two fairs- well you have. Daddy, Mommy, Grammie and Grandpa all took you to the Farmington Fair. Then, Grammie and Grandpa took you to the Freyburg Fair. You had a great time at both fairs and really enjoyed the fair food!
Day care continues to go well. You are learning so much! You know your letters, your colors, the days of the week and so many other things! You love to sing songs and request a lot of music in the car! (Yellow Bus continues to be a favorite)!
Lately, you have been very interested in your trains. You love to watch Thomas the Train and Bob the Builder (the episode where they build a train track is your favorite) Its fun to watch you play now because you stay focused on activities for long periods of time. You are starting to pretend more and make up situations when you play- it's great!
Funny things you say: "That's a funny question Mamma." "What kind of ____ it is?" About your brother Owen- "He likes me." "He's patting me." "I miss him so much." "He's laughing at me." You love your brother!!
One last thing- you read us a book the other day. We have been reading "There is a Monster at the End of This Book" a few times a day for a few weeks. The other day, you started reading it to me! You got the first three pages right then you asked me to take over. So exciting!