Lachapelle Boys

Lachapelle Boys

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Merry Christmas Baby

Dear Thomas,
This was the best Christmas with you so far. You finally got it this year; you understood Christmas, Santa, the whole bit. It was so exciting to see you open your gifts and look forward to playing with your new toys. Unfortunately, you seem to like your brother's toys more than your own. You take them from him all the time.

We got to meet Santa three times!! You were so brave every time we met him.

You have really developed quite an imagination. You run and fight the monsters in the house, using whatever utensil you can find. You love to talk as you play, so we always know what is going on. Your narrations are quite funny for Daddy and I to listen to!

Move It!

Dear Owen,
Two weeks ago you finally did it! You finally crawled :) I gave you the motivation you needed by lying on the floor across the room and you crawled to me. You were so happy with yourself you giggled and laughed. Now, there is no stopping you. You just needed that first "step" to get you going. You follow me all around the kitchen and explore the house as if you were waiting for this very opportunity. I am so proud of you!

Your ear infection just cleared, we were doing a second round of anti-biotics. That means, you have been quite grumpy for almost three weeks. I am so glad to have my happy little boy back now that you are feeling better. Your two top-front teeth also came through this week; poor thing.

We had such a nice time tonight in the bath. Your brother helped and you two giggled and splashed, it was so much fun. I love this age, I think its one of my favorites.