Lachapelle Boys

Lachapelle Boys

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Santa Claus is coming to town

Dear Thomas,
I am so proud of you! We went to the annual Christmas party at the American Legion (a party Mommy used to go to when she was a child) and you met Santa. This year, you were so calm, participated in the sing-alongs and sat on Santa's lap! You are growing up so fast!
We went to see Elmo Saturday! Mommy took yo
u to the Portland Civic Center to see Sesame Street Live. You loved it. You were very serious, and watched the whole thing quietly. It was great. While we were there, Daddy and Owen went to the Art Museum. They didn't last long before someone complained that Owen was too loud! How silly!
You favorite movie is A Bug's Life. You liked Toy Story for a while, but now you ask for A Bug's Life whenever we have movie night. We watched The Polar Express with you a few nights ago and you really loved that movie! You are so into trains right now, it was right up your alley.

Love you

My, those are big teeth you have!

Dear Owen.
Four teeth! Although you broke through your first tooth a while ago, you just received your fourth. The top teeth are coming in differently, the outer are coming in before the middle two! I can't wait to get picture of this!

You can get up to sitting position from your belly/back now! Still little progress on the crawling :)

You have your first ear infection :( A trooper, it was only the fever that told us something was wrong, you were behaving as happy as usual! You are on antibiotics now, and we are hoping for a quick turn around.

~Love you

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Do you have any questions?

Dear Thomas,
You still talk constantly, endlessly :) One of the things you do that we love is ask us if we have any questions. On the way home from daycare with Mommy, or in the morning with Daddy, you ask us to come up with questions for you to answer. It's cute. You are also reading a lot, making up stories or repeating stories you know while perusing through books.
Although you are quite strong willed- a trait you get from Daddy, you are being a good boy and listening... most of the time. We still have to constantly ask you not to jump off chairs and to be careful with Owen. Otherwise, you are doing pretty well for the terrible twos.
This is the first Christmas you have been old enough to understand what is goi
ng on. We have visited Santa once, you had your picture taken with him. You like to watch The Grinch, and seem excited about the Christmas tree. I think you will be pleased when you wake up Christmas morning! You can't think of anything you want for Christmas, I don't think you have developed the ability to want things you don't already have (which is awesome by the way).
You are very smart- you know the colors and shapes (most of the time) and seem to be starting to pick up some letters. Potty training has become a battle of wills now; you completely get it, but have no desire to use the potty anymore. We will try again soon!

Love you,

Clap, clap, clap your hands

Dear Owen,
Today was your first time clapping! Although, that was really only one of many things you have done this week. You are generous with kisses now, coating your victim in massive amounts of drool :) You have started biting... something Mommy keeps ending up on the losing end of. You are still so close to crawling, but other than sliding backwards on a slippery floor you haven't moved yet.
You started feeding yourself food! You love to eat puffs, bananas, avocados (although when you would get them in your mouth you were not impressed :)) If you can grab it and taste it you will! You don't seem to have a favorite food yet; you tolerate anything we give you except peas and avocados- they both make you gag. You tried carrots at Thanksgiving (your very first Thanksgiving), however none of them made it in your mouth.

I just can't believe how much you are growing. You now weigh 20 pounds 7 ounces (at last check up) and you are so strong. Sometimes I have a hard time carrying you, and when you try to get out of my grasp forget about it! I can't hold on to you. You have had quite a few accidents- two falls off the bed and a fall off the couch. You are just so busy we can't quite keep up with you.

Love you,

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Photo Card

Snowflake Trim Holiday
Shutterfly has elegant holiday invitations for your party.
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fall fun

Dear Thomas,
We have been busy this month! It has been a beautiful month and we tried to get out as much as we could. We went to Pumpkin Land, where you enjoyed a carriage ride, pet animals, and picked a pumpkin. We went apple picking with Sienna and Cody- you loved the tractor ride, and played in the sandbox there at the orchard. We have been to two fairs- well you have. Daddy, Mommy, Grammie and Grandpa all took you to the Farmington Fair. Then, Grammie and Grandpa took you to the Freyburg Fair. You had a great time at both fairs and really enjoyed the fair food!

Day care continues to go well. You are learning so much! You know your letters, your colors, the days of the week and so many other things! You love to sing songs and request a lot of music in the car! (Yellow Bus continues to be a favorite)!
Lately, you have been very interested in your trains. You love to watch Thomas the Train and Bob the Builder (the episode where they build a train track is your favorite) Its fun to watch you play now because you stay focused on activities for long periods of time. You are starting to pretend more and make up situations when you play- it's great!

Funny things you say: "That's a funny question Mamma." "What kind of ____ it is?" About your brother Owen- "He likes me." "He's patting me." "I miss him so much." "He's laughing at me." You love your brother!!

One last thing- you read us a book the other day. We have been reading "There is a Monster at the End of This Book" a few times a day for a few weeks. The other day, you started reading it to me! You got the first three pages right then you asked me to take over. So exciting!

Six months old!

Dear Owen,
Happy half-birthday! You are six months old and you can do a lot! You are sitting up (a new development this week), rolling over, laughing, and so much more. You love playing with toys, and reach out to grab anything you think will be fun.
We have tried some fruits and vegetables. You aren't impressed with bananas or apples, but you do like sweet potatoes, carrots and pears. You are up to two meals a day- growing like a weed :)
One of your favorite activities is to watch your brother. He can really get you laughing. I am so happy to have him to entertain you :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

More cereal please

Dear Owen,
Well it took about a week, but you finally like the rice cereal we have been feeding you. You lunge at the spoon and gobble down the whole bowl :) This week will try some fruit, I can't believe we are already feeding you solid food! Time is going so fast with you.

Once again, I have to tell you about what a good baby you are. You have starting sitting in the exer-saucer more and more. You love to look around at what everyone is doing and you are perfectly content as long as you can see your brother or your mother. You are so close to sitting up, it will happen soon. You roll over onto your belly constantly, and you are working on crawling... we hope you are a ways away from that.

Love you,

Friday, September 16, 2011


Dear Thomas,
We have moved you back to Carol Anne's Daycare (the other daycare just was not the right fit for you) so you are now officially in preschool! Your friends Kya and Derek were already moving to the preschool room, so it was a good time to put you in there as well. You are so happy! We are very relieved to have you settled and back to your old self!
The conversations we have on the way home from daycare are hilarious. I recorded a few today just to keep them for memories. I can't believe how much you have grown. I was looking through some photos from last year, and came
across the apple orchard pictures. What a big difference from one year to the next!
We have had a busy summer- we visited Thomas the train, a show you now like to watch :) We went to the ocean, visited with friends- we took many field trips each week. You enjoyed every second of it! I am so glad that you are such an adventurous child, it makes our time together so much fun.

Although we are going through some tough times with terrible twos, I hope you know how much you and Owen brighten my day. I am in such a good mood every afternoon as soon as I see you :)

Love you,

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Laughter is the best medicine

Dear Owen,
My how you laugh. I'm not talking a little giggle or a smile. You laugh HARD! You laugh most at your brother, when he is jumping around you or doing something you like. You will laugh at Mommy making faces at you or at Nana playing with a balloon. Your favorite person to laugh at though, is Thomas. You seek him out in a room to find out what he is doing and to watch him :)
You have been a good sport the past few months. Your brother and I drag you everywhere, the apple orchard, playgrounds, the library, Thomas the train, the balloon festival, the beach and much more. You happily tag along, rarely making a fuss. We are so lucky!
You started daycare two weeks ago. It seems to be going well. We love the ladies who watch you during the day, and they seem to love you too! You're such a good baby!
We tried rice cereal this week for the first time. You don't seem to like it much yet, we hope you warm up to it soon. I think it will help you to have some extra calories- you are such a big boy!
17 pounds 5 ounces at your 4 month check up!

Love Mommy

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Big Brother

Dear Thomas,
Wow. You are so smart! Your language has developed so well, you say the cutest things. Last night, after throwing a temper tantrum because Daddy wouldn't let you sleep on the floor, you said, "Will stay with me a little while." So cute.

Mommy and Daddy are having some trouble with your behavior lately. We are trying everything we can to get you to listen. Sometimes it works better than others. I can't wait for this stage to be over :) I don't like to discipline you.

You asked to "climb a mountain," last well telling us that you knew how. So we took you for a walk on the Bird Sanctuary. You loved it and even saw a dragon and a blue tiger. You have many favorite activities, but outside time is always the favorite. We go down the the water a lot and you love to spot frogs, birds and fish. You talk constantly. All the way down, asking questions and pointing things out. The entire time we are down there, and then all the way home. You love walking up the street to see the geese. You love working in the garden, it has been a great summer.

You love your brother! Daddy and I wish that you would be a little safer with Owen. You rest your head on his belly and tell him to hold you. You want to hold him. You give him kisses (and lick him occasionally). You just love your brother... it's great!

You start back at Carol Anne's Daycare next week. We are so excited for you to be back with your friends Derek, Kya and Lucus. You will be in the Preschool room-WOW! You spent the first 18 months of your life with Megan, and now you will be your teacher again in preschool, we are very excited for you.

Love you,
~ Mommy

Rolling, rolling, rolling

Dear Owen,
Well, we missed it, but it happened... you rolled over! While Mommy was at work and Daddy was with your brother in the other room, you rolled yourself from your back to your belly. According to your Daddy, you looked quite pleased with yourself after :) You are getting so strong now, four months old, that I imagine you will be sitting up soon too.
Your Daddy and I are amazed at what a good baby you are. You laugh and smile all the time- especially first thing in the morning. Your brother makes you laugh all the time too, and you are constantly searching to find him in the room. You are happy with floor time and your bouncy seat, although your favorite activity is to be carried around by Mommy while Brother plays.

We love you!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Owen is 2 months old

Dear Owen,
Well, we had your two month check up. All is well! Other than lifting your head while you are on your belly, you are doing everything you should be doing. We anticipate you to be rolling over soon, the legs certainly get moving when you are on your back. It's hard to find time to put you on your belly- it often makes you grumpy and your brother is usually all over you when you are on the floor. We will keep working on it though, you'll lift that head eventually.
You have had a great couple of days home alone with Mommy. You have been awake, alert and even smiling from time to time. I am trying not to wish time away, but I am anxious for you to be able to sit up. I think you will have a great time when you can sit with us and look around :)
You are in the 95% for weight, and fitting nicely into 6 month clothing! Its great to see you so healthy- your love chunks are the topic of many conversations.

Love you,

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Grumpy Baby

Dear Owen,
Yes, finally! Dear Owen. After 2 months, this is your first post. So, welcome!! Mommy is very busy and tired, but I want to try and capture this first year for you. Here is what you should know about yourself.
You are an EASY baby! You are already sleeping well at night, you only wake up once, sometimes twice. You go to sleep on your own-OK, sometimes we use the swing, but if we put you down in your pack and play at night, you go to sleep! You eat well, a little too well, you already weigh 14 pounds and 9 ounces!! And you are wearing 6 month clothing at 2 months old. You don't cry a lot (although you have grumpy periods in the evening and first thing in the morning).
You are an EASY baby, but you are a GRUMPY baby :) You always have this scowl on your face, it's quite adorable. You have been smiling more and more, and if we can manage to make you happy you will laugh with us occasionally, but mostly, you are a grump. Thank goodness you are the second child, because it doesn't bother us at all. We just laugh and try to cheer you up. I wonder if its all the competing for attention that gets you upset.
You do love your brother (I don't know why, he is way too rough with you and wakes you up all the time). You like to watch what he is doing, and are often happier when he is around.

It's so much fun to have you around. Mommy and Daddy are much more relaxed with you, as we have done this before so we aren't new parents. And although you get a little less attention than you might like, as we have to divide our attention between two children now, you get plenty of loving from your big brother.

Things you like: You are just starting to notice things- you love the mobile attached to the swing, and you love to look at yourself in the mirror on your bouncy seat.

~Love you, Mommy

Owen arrives

Ok, well Owen arrived two months ago, but at least I making the effort now!

Dear Thomas,
We went through a rough "terrible two" period right after Owen was born. I assume, being two, having a huge family change, and leaving your daycare all came together to form the perfect storm. You are starting to act more like yourself now, as we all adjust to the new life!
You can carry on complete conversations now. Your speaking is really quite remarkable. We have playdates each week and I hear from other mothers how well you speak.
You are a great big brother! You love "Baby Owen," you hold him and pet him often. You do get a little rough, we have to remind you to be careful. And, when Mommy isn't giving you the attention you want, you will hit him. (I am sure this will be hilarious later in life)
So many other things have changed for you- you started a new day care this month. (You are still crying when we drop you off, but have fun once you are there). Summer is here, so we are outside all the time. Your favorite things to do are: "hit the ball" using your T-ball stand, playing basketball, playing in your water table, and your sandbox. You also love going for walks to see the geese up the street, you love to go see the waterfall at the basin and you are happy when Daddy takes you fishing.
Nothing gets by you these days, you really know everything and love to talk about it. Sometimes, when you are super chatty, mommy asks you to sing to her instead :) I love to hear your voice, but get tired of answering the questions, "What are you doing?", "What's that noise?" and "Where's ______?"

Friends we play with most often: Molly Tardy, Elliot and Olivia Rioux, and Sienna Ruth.
Favorite foods: Toast with PB (still), yogurt, strawberries.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Busy Toddler

Dear Thomas,
You have certainly turned into a busy toddler! I am sitting at the table with you now as you happily paint. So much has changed in the past few months, yet I have not had the chance to come online and write about it. Where to start?
You are working on complete sentences now. You have quite a few that you say often, like "Where did ____ go?", "Love you _____." And some others that I haven't translated yet :) You are starting to learn your colors, your vocabulary is amazing... you know most animals (and their noises) and lots of foods, no surprises there.
You love arts and crafts- especially painting! You come home from daycare with lots of artwork. We paint here a lot too, although I have to admit it's not as enjoyable for Mommy! You love to play with stickers (and you actually put them on paper and not on furniture :) You also love play dough. We use it a lot while Mommy is cooking, you like to stand next to Mommy on the step stool and help me cook. We had one broken egg incident this week that startled you, but otherwise you love it.We had a rough month in January with sicknesses, so we didn't get outside as much as we normally would. We have managed to get out during most big snow storms, and as the weather has been warmer this month, we have been getting outside a lot. You LOVE being outside. I actually have to pick you up kicking and screaming to get you indoors. (That is, of course, when I can't coerce you with a snack) Your favorite outdoor activity is to make snowballs. You just grab a bunch of snow with your hands and throw it- its adorable. You also love the bird feeder. We have been waiting to actually see birds eating from the feeder while we are out there; no luck with that yet. You call the birds, saying "Birdies, where are you?" Probably one of your cutest phrases! You have also enjoyed snowshoeing (riding on Daddy while he snow shoed), sliding down your slide (I can't get you in the sled yet, you don't really like it), and cleaning off the cars- not sure why you love this so much, but you do.
You figure everything out. I know you are a smart kid. Safety locks, doors, pretty much anything you see us do, you can do. It's frightening :)
It will be my goal to write more often, so I don't have to cram it all into one post. I will end this post by talking about the arrival of your brother Owen. We got his bassinet all set up, and since then you have started talking about him again. There was a long stretch where you were saying "No" when we asked you if you were going to have a little brother. You haven't kissed Mommy's belly or said hello to the baby in months. Now, when you see the basinet, you say, "baby sleep," it;s progress :) Soon this blog will be and Owen and Thomas blog... one of many things you should get ready to share with your brother.

Love you